Tuesday, 29 January 2013



Long time, no speak – I know. I’m sorry! University has been killing me. A little bit literally. So after finishing a short story, a commentary and a sociolinguistics portfolio, I finally returned to tumblr and stumbled upon a recipe for ‘silky summer legs’. I ummed and aahed for a bit then finally decided that I’d do it and have a bit of a pamper before a date night. I’ve just done it for the second time and I feel so sexy and can’t stop touching my legs! It’s not a well-known beauty tip, so I love it even more. It seems like every blog post about beauty tips is the same old conceal around your brows, layer lipstick and liner, line your upper waterline boredom. So here’s mine!

You’ll need:
  • Any oil (about half a mugful). You can use olive oil (I did) or baby oil, coconut oil, almond oil…
  • A handful or so of sugar
  • A zesty fruit – lemon, lime or orange. I prefer orange because it doesn’t sting if you cut yourself shaving, but it’s up to you.
  • 1 or 2 razors.

Here’s the guide:

·         Pour the oil into a bowl and add the sugar.
·         Cut the fruit in half and squeeze the juice in while mixing.
·         Jump in the shower. Shampoo and wash as normal.
·         Soak your legs for a while. Now might be a good time to coat your hair in conditioner.
·         Shave your legs – I used one razor per leg.
·         Rub some of the mixture onto your legs.
·         Rinse off and shave again! This is fab because I always miss a bit when shaving.
·         Rub again!
·         Use a mild soap (I use a Dove bar) to get all the excess oil off.
·         Use a light moisturiser and feel like a goddess.

This is safe to use everywhere you shave – your legs, your underarms, your forearms (if you do!). I would be very, very careful if you insist on using it anywhere else and not at all if you have sensitive skin.
I had a lot left over (I threw caution to the wind and didn’t measure the amounts) so I went a little overboard and sugared absolutely everywhere – even my feet!

I love this tip so much. It makes your skin softer, you smell good and it’s cheap, which is key when you’re on a student budget. I even borrowed some olive oil from my friend, so that was free! If you’re in the mood to pamper, you could paint your finger and toenails, too.

Let me know how you get on with this one! 

Jas x

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